Icode India


Mentor – Dr.Richa Kapoor Mniglani

DAY – 1

  1. How to convince patients for periodontal treatment & improve perio related revenue in your practice
  2. Diagnosis & treatment planning
  3. Flap surgeries in details
  4. Gingivectomy/gingioplasty
  5. Depigmentation
  6. Crown lengthening
  7. Management of gummy smiles
  8. Regenerative periodontics bone grafts, gtr membrane, prr & pre
  9. Endo perio lesions
  10. Furcation management

DAY – 2

  1. How & why to incorporate laseres in your practice
  2. What is a laser & laser physics
  3. Laser safety
  4. Choosing the right laser
  5. Laser tissue interaction
  6. Use of lasers in soft tissue surgeries
  7. Laser bleaching

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